Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's a Girl!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to Olga and her family as they welcome baby Alexandra (Sasha) into their hearts and home!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Grandparents Day 2012 - Grade 1M

Grade 1M had an AMAZING morning as we welcomed many, many Grandparents into our classroom. We had a great time and we hope that our Grandparents did too!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Earth Day 2012

We want to celebrate EARTH DAY at Surrey Christian School on Friday, April 20. Please come dressed in "earth tones" - green, blue and/or brown!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

HOT LUNCH and CANUCKS Dress-Up Day - Friday, April 13

The Stanley Cup finals have finally arrived.
Few are surprised that the 'Nucks have survived!
The fourth round is big time, we know that it's true.
The cup will come home to the GREEN, WHITE and BLUE!

EASTER with our ELIM Grandbuddies - Grade 1M

Grade 1M had another awesome afternoon with our ELIM Grandbuddies. We shared the Easter story together and made a wonderful craft that the students brought home yesterday! Happy Easter!