Thursday, January 19, 2012

Art in Grade 1M - Jackson Pollock

This week students in Grade 1M have been learning about the famous American abstract expressionist painter Jackson Pollock. We will also be creating some Jackson Pollock inspired creations of our own. If you want to have some online fun creating Pollock-like paintings check out...

Happy painting!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Gong Shi Fa Cai

Today we learned all about Chinese New Year. Connor and his Mom told us a story from a Chinese book about Chinese New Year. This year, the first day of the Chinese New Year is on January 23. People say GONG SHI FA CAI to each other to wish each other a prosperous new year. They also say XIN NIAN KUAI LE which means Happy New Year! Each student in Grade 1M also received a red envelope containing "lucky" money and some chocolates as a way of wishing them safety and luck for the coming year! Mrs. Venhuizen explained that red envelopes are used for this because red is a lucky colour for Chinese people! Thank you both so much for sharing all about one of your family traditions!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The GREY CUP Comes to 1M!

Wow - we were SOOOO excited today as the Grey Cup came to our classroom and then to our school - live and in person. Mr. JR LaRose (Alozie's Dad and safety for the BC Lions) came and showed us the Grey Cup that the BC Lions won in November. He then joined some of the students in a floor hockey game against the teachers! JR also spoke to us all and reminded us to love Jesus, to respect each other and to do well at school! Thanks JR! What an amazing experience!